Session 14 - Culture and Health
The primary focus of this session is to:
- Use African drumming and African dance techniques to bring fathers and sons together for a cultural experience.
The particular emphasis will be on:
- Creating an ethnically appealing and supportive community environment among participants.
- Encouraging personal and creative expression through dance and drumming as another form of communication and physical activity.
- Encouraging individual and group harmony through non-verbal communication between fathers and sons.
Knowledge –Attitudes –Skills Expected
At the end of this session participants will be able to:
- 1. Explain the significance of African drum and dance to African culture.
- 2. Understand the significance of cultural practices on the physical and mental health of individuals.
- 3. Use cultural practices to appreciate methods of non-verbal communication and unique physical activities
that can influence family relationships and well-being.
- Sign up for Talent Showcase
- Affirmation & Meditation
- Endurance, Speed, and Strength Exercises
- PowerPoint Presentation: Rhythm of the Drums
- African Drum and Dance
Homework Due
- Positive and Negative Online Behaviors
- PALA+ Physical Activity and Nutrition Log #2
Homework Assigned
Materials Needed
- Sign-up sheet for talent show
- Experienced session facilitators
- Facilitator script for PowerPoint slides (Rhythm of the Drums)
- Handouts on dance, drumming, and health
- African Drum/African Dance videos
- Stop Watches (2)
Suggested Staff
- Project Staff
- Facilitator
- Observer
Session Outline
- Quick Overview of Today’s Session (5 minutes)
- Check-In (10 minutes)
- Activities (85 minutes)
- Sign up for Talent Showcase (10 minutes)
- Affirmation & Meditation (10 minutes)
- Endurance, Speed, and Strength Exercises (20 minutes)
- Introduction to African Drumming and Dance (5 minutes)
- PowerPoint Presentation: Rhythm of the Drums (10 minutes)
- African Drumming and Dance Activity (30 minutes)
- Homework Assignment (5 minutes)
- Closing Summary (5 minutes)
- Check-Out (10 minutes)
PowerPoint Materials
Activities and Handouts
Lesson 14 - Fathers and Sons - © 2022